Get the most out of Twitter with simple yet powerful analytics, insights and tools helping you monitor, manage, track, optimize and report on your activities on Twitter: Get in-depth statistics on any Twitter users, insights on your followers, mentions, favourites & retweets, analytics on hashtags, monitor tweets, manage your lists, download tweets & reports, and more...
Whether you’re looking for statistics on your Twitter account or insights on your competitors’ Twitter activities, Twitonomy will help you fine-tune your content and engagement strategies on Twitter... on the go!
With a Free Twitonomy account, get access to the following features:
- Get detailed and visual analytics on anyone's tweets, retweets, replies, mentions, hashtags...
- Monitor tweets from your favorite users, lists and keyword searches
- Browse, search, filter and get insights on the people you follow and those who follow you
- Monitor your interactions with other Twitter users: mentions, retweets, favorites...
- Easily find out who you follow but don't follow you back
- Get the list of the followers you don't follow back
- Browse, search, filter, sort and add/remove people to your lists
- And more...
Upgrade to Twitonomy Premium to access even more professional features:
- Get and export Search Analytics on any keywords, #hashtags, URL or @users
- Get insights on and download any user's retweeted & favorited tweets
- Zoom in with custom date ranges
- Get actionable insights on your followers with Followers Report
- Download your followers and following lists to Excel
- Backup/export tweets, retweets, mentions and reports to Excel & PDF
- Track your follower growth over time
- And more...
Upgrading to Twitonomy Premium is optional. Twitonomy Premium auto-renewing subscriptions can be paid by credit/debit card. You can cancel your subscription at (at least 24 hours before the end of the current period).
For more information, please visit
Terms of Service:
Privacy Policy:
- 对任何人的推文,转发,回复,提及,标签进行详细和可视化的分析......
- 监控您喜爱的用户,列表和关键字搜索中的推文
- 浏览,搜索,过滤并深入了解您关注的人和关注您的人
- 监控您与其他Twitter用户的互动:提及,转发,收藏...
- 轻松找到您关注的对象,但不要关注您
- 获取您没有关注的粉丝列表
- 浏览,搜索,过滤,排序和添加/删除人员到您的列表
- 和更多...
升级到Twitonomy Premium以访问更专业的功能:
- 获取并导出任何关键字,#hashtags,URL或@users的搜索分析
- 深入了解并下载任何用户转发和收藏的推文
- 放大自定义日期范围
- 通过“关注者报告”为您的粉丝提供可操作的见解
- 将您的关注者和以下列表下载到Excel
- 备份/导出推文,转发,提及和报告到Excel和PDF
- 跟踪您的追随者增长情况
- 和更多...
升级到Twitonomy Premium是可选的。 Twitonomy Premium自动续订订阅可以通过信用卡/借记卡支付。您可以在http://www.twitonomy.com上取消订阅(至少在当前期间结束前24小时)。